So the time has come for you to find help with your Instagram?
Look no further as with my help you will be well on the way to mastering this most powerful marketing Platform and attracting your ideal client
From an initial bitesize 1 hour Introduction call
Indepth 1 month Intensive course
To taking control of your Instagram over 12 weeks
Allowing you to work during your busy months and not worry about marketing in this time.
You will learn what makes this social platform so powerful.
It is vital to the success of small businesses and cottage industries across the UK,
Learn the how to utilise Instagram to generate business.
Instagram is THE most powerful free advertising platform .
From the one hour introductory course to Instagram where you learn the basics
to the full 3 month strategic course
we will give you the insight into hashtags, stories and reels.
Whichever course you choose you will be familiar and understand the mechanics of Instagram
allowing you to build up your following
Ideal for Small Businesses and Cottage Industries that need visibility on Instagram and don’t know where to start or who to ask.
Our one month and certainly our three month mentoring courses for small Uk business new to or who don’t understand the Instagram platform is invaluable,
I will identify your ideal client and show you how to attract them to follow your account
From reels to hashtags to stories to reels we will explore them all.
Scheduled calls weekly depending on your course alongside my full support throughout the week
I will be monitoring your account and keeping check of you progress in this time
You will be provided with the knowledge to get noticed and attract your ideal clients